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Health and Safety Policy (DRAFT Version 1 2012)

All activities carry an element of risk and allotment gardening is no exception. All members are asked to take health and safety needs seriously at the same time as approach the issue sensibly. Members have a duty of care to act responsibly and comply with all aspects of the Tenancy Agreement and Rules. New and existing allotment holders have a responsibility to anyone on their plot, regardless of whether they have given permission for them to be there. Allotments can never be fully secure. Keeping sites tidy and attractive is one of the best ways of deterring anti-social activity, theft and vandalism and promoting a healthy and safe environment for all.

This is implemented through our Constitution ,Tenancy Agreement, Rules, Newsletters, Website and introduction to the site by the a member of the committee. All these means are used to update members about any recently reported or on-going problems.

During the programme of reclamation of the land the committee will be actively working towards ensuring that plots are clear of hazards at the time of leasing to a new allotment holder and advising them of any remaining problems.

New allotment holders will be advised about known health and safety risks or hazards associated with the site.

Allotment holders can spend long periods on their plot and are advised to let someone know they are there.

Allotment holders are asked to report concerns about health and safety on their plot, or the site, to the committee as soon as they occur. The secretary will keep a Health and Safety Record.

Named contacts are included on our web site and regularly posted on the Notice Board.

Visitors to the site should also be made aware of any on-going health and safety issues. The responsibility for this rests with the person inviting the visitor on site.

A First Aid Kit will be available and members are encouraged to be informed about First Aid matters for their own safety. Incidents are recorded in the Health and Safety record and reported to members so that we can all learn.

Allotment holders are advised about the safe use of machinery, equipment and tools and to have a duty of care for themselves other members.

All members are asked to keep the gates locked at all times.

Allotment holders are asked to report any incidents of vandalism to the committee and to the police and to obtain an incident number. Our website contains advice about crime prevention including personal safety.

Allotment holder have a duty of care to store, use and dispose of glass, pesticides, fertilisers, oil, petrol; and any other potentially harmful substances. These must always be stored well out of reach of children and locked away.

Allotment holder should contact the council waste management department for information for the safe disposal of surplus pesticides and fertilisers or other potentially dangerous materials. These should never be burnt, placed in skips, or poured away.

The committee report Health and Safety issues on a regular basis. When necessary the committee will inform to the owner of the land, Wirral Council.

Being next to a number of water courses rats can be a problem and members are asked to turn compost regularly and report problematic infestations.

Members are reminded that young children can drown in even very shallow water.

Our regular audits will inform members where safety issues are identified and ask for appropriate action within an agreed time frame.

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